Here's what we're going to do today! We're going to show you how to make a cup of Thai milk tea and let our foreign friends have their shots and see their reactions. But remember .. you can also have your own shot at home by simply check out Instant Drink category and see if there's anything you like as we have guaranteed shipping to serve all packages right to your doorstep no matter where you are :)
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Before we begin, here's how we're going to prepare:
Pour pure milk into a cup and heat it up so it could finally become .. "WARM MILK"
Then we'll put a TEA BAG inside our WARM MILK
Continue to stir until it turns orange
Add sugaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar + condense milk
Continue to stir
Boom! ... your Thai milk tea is now ready to be served
Cha Tra Mue - Original Thai Tea
Thai Tea Bag you need
Here comes a reaction from our international volunteer:
Jun : It's good! Aroi mak mak (very delicious)
Min : Oh my god! It's so sweet. I like it. Let me hug you again .. :) Wan mak mak (really sweet)
Mutia :Not bad, not bad. It's pretty good though. A bit sweet though.
Saliou : It's sweet and the taste is like tea then it turns bitter.
Henny : Oh .. yeah! I feel like I'm in Thailand.
Celia : This is so good! Aroi mak mak
Andrew : It's usually better than the one in Indonesia.
Adit : I think it tastes like Indian tea. Very similar.
Christ : It's good ... Cha nom yen (means "Thai milk tea")
Quote of the day "Nomu mashita" said Jun