PPAP! ... I have a rice ... I have an apple ... AH! PINE-APPLE-RICE-with-PORK-floss. haha .. have you ever heard of the latest talk of the town "PPAP" (see its viral on youtube)? Well, let's get back to our blog. And yeah, pineapple fried rice is one of the popular dish in Thailand and we're taking you through a simple DIY today with a few ingredients from us and a few fresh local ingredients around you. Yummy!

Pork floss : 1/4 pack per dish [get it here]
Dried raisins : 1/4 pack per dish [get it here]
Cooked rice : 1 dish
Fresh pineapple : as much as you like

Cooking steps
Put freshly cooked rice on a dish and keep it for now
Prepare the pineapple by slicing them into small pieces and keep it for now
Pour 1/4 pack of pork floss on the rice from step (1) along with 1/4 pack of dried raisins
Mix all rice, pork floss and raisins together until they're slightly blended
Put sliced pineapples from step (2) on blended dish from step (4) ... boom! ready to serve :)